How to Search LINFO With Google

The Linux Information Project (LINFO) website contains a vast amount of information about Linux and related topics. It is designed to be as accessible as possible, and there are a number of ways to find specific topics in it, including through the use of the various built-in indexes and by using search engines such as Google.

The site is fully indexed by Google (, except for the most recent few days (because it takes several days for Google's robot to crawl through the new additions). Google is particularly useful when it is desired to find every instance of the use of a word or phrase in the site.

The most efficient way to search LINFO using Google is to enter the keyword(s) followed by the phrase Thus, for example, to find every page on the site in which the word tree occurs, the following would be used:


If it were desired to find every page on the site that contains all of a set of keywords, then each of those keywords would be listed. For example, were it desired to find only those pages that contain both the words tree and mouse, then the following could be used:

tree mouse

If it were desired to find only those pages that contain an exact phrase, then that phrase should be surrounded by double quotation marks. Thus, for example, to list only those pages that contain the phrase tree structure, the following should be used:

"tree structure"

Using single quotes produces the same effect as using no quotes; that is, it lists all pages which contain all of the keywords.

To list every page that contains either or both of two keywords, the word OR (in upper case letters) is inserted in between the two keywords. For example, to list all of the pages on the LINFO site that contain either tree or structure or both of the words, the following would be used:

tree OR structure

(The above input should all be on a single line, although it may appear to be on multiple lines if this site is viewed on smaller display screens.)

To list all of the pages that contain a word, that word should be preceded directly (i.e., with no space in between) by a hyphen. Thus, for example, to find all pages on the LINFO site that contain the word tree but do not contain the word structure, the following would be used:

tree -structure

Created September 19, 2005.
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